Sewing Education
We funded the building of the Sewing/Craft Room at St Michael’s in 2011 and provided a number of hand operated Singer sewing machines to teach the girls basic sewing skills to repair their uniform and clothing. The space also allows the pupils to learn how to make their own clothes outside of class time if they wish. Only a small number of the girls that attend St Michael’s will go on to secondary school. Sewing gives the girls who do drop out of education a skill to take with them when they return to their homes.
The charity contributes to the funding of the salary of Solivia, the very talented seamstress, who not only makes the uniforms for all the children but also runs the many sewing/craft clubs, with the help of artistic and creative teachers. We provide additional termly funding so that there are additional materials available for the pupils to undertake crafting as an after school activity.
The students are currently learning to make:
Sanitary pads (reusable)
Book Bags
Repairing school uniforms
Your donations could help to fund:
The salary of a sewing teacher
Materials for the pupils to use to practice their crafting skills