Other Local Primary Schools
For all the support we have done at St Michael’s Girls Primary and Bishop Willigers Secondary we are so aware that all the other government aided primary schools in the community are in a very poor state - they have no financial support from overseas and only have the meagre 70p per term per pupils + some government teachers. In 2024 we are starting to help some of the schools. We have a RedEarth team on the ground - all community leaders who are volunteering to help. Our focus will be on school lunches, literacy, healthcare and sanitation. We also know that children cannot learn when they are sitting on the dirt floor in a classroom or under a tree. We are hoping to do a lot of this funding through Grant Applications - as the need is so great and urgent. Below are photos that starkly tell the story.
We will update this page when we have news to share.
Trying to write sitting on the floor with no desk
This is the kitchen for a school with 800 pupils. The stove is badly cracked - only 300 have lunch
The roof blew off this classroom block 5 years ago - the pupils learn under a tree - not coming to school when it rains
No windows - no doors - dirt floor and 5 to a three seater desk
This Nursery School is on the ground at the end of a primary classroom block - the children stay at home when it rains
Kitchen for a 1100 pupil school - many do not get lunch
The kitchen/storeroom design we want to use - approx £5,000 which includes industrial energy efficient stove.
We have built this kitchen/storeroom and now 1000 pupils have lunch