Your donations can help us to fund:
Banana plants - £5
Seeds to grow healthy greens - £15
Keyhole (water saving) garden - £15
Fruit and vegetables seeds - £8
A calf - £60
The purchase of a goat or pig - £30
Gardening tools - £10
School Gardens, Farm and Agriculture Support
The common aim between the St Michael’s School Management Committee and RedEarth Village Schools is for the St Michael’s Gardens and Farm to be a centre of excellence - a place of learning and a ‘Demonstration Garden/Farm’ for the community. We also see the land as a means of St Michael’s becoming as self-sufficient as possible.
We fund the salary of a Farm Manager, Erina, to oversee the workers in the gardens and farm and we also help with vets bills.
There are always challenges with droughts and food shortages, but we are committed to try and be as self-sufficient as possible and provide education to the children on the importance of a balanced diet and how to grow their own food.
As we grow we are able to help other schools to develop their school gardens, and already we are supporting several initiatives at Bishop Willigers Secondary, working alongside the older students enabling them to learn valuable life skills.
We funded the community oxen and plough
The School Garden is very productive
Everyone helps with food preparation