In rural Uganda extreme poverty is a reality. 90% of 10 year old children cannot read, write or do simple arithmetic. Primary schools are dilapidated. Parents keep their children at home to help with chores.

Going to a school where there is quality education is every child’s right.

Our Vision:

“Building a brighter future for Ugandan village children - TOGETHER

When you give children access to quality education, you allow them to fulfil their potential.

Since 2009, we have been working in partnership with Heads and School Managements at village schools in Bugweri District helping to support a diverse range of projects including: provision of school meals, phonics teaching and literacy, malaria testing & treatment, healthcare and building classrooms, kitchens, libraries, fencing & toilet blocks.

At the heart of the work of RedEarth Village Schools is a commitment to village girls empowering and supporting them so they can thrive.

Our Founding Trustee Victoria Beach has been honoured with an MBE from King Charles for services empowering girls in Uganda

  • Off home !

  • Every girl has a desk

  • School Lunch

Our Mission

90% of Ugandan village children are unable to read or understand a simple story at age 10. Schools receive little funding from government, buildings are dilapidated and classes have few resources. Village life is tough, crops are unreliable and children are hungry and malnourished. Our Mission is to work with primary schools and a secondary school in Bugweri District to fund projects that improve learning outcomes, vocational skills, health and nutrition, particularly for girls. Through our work we contribute towards UN SDG4 – Quality Education for all.

What does Quality Education look like?

  • Sustainable school feeding programmes so schools can grow their own food and no child is hungry at school

  • Teacher and Staff support - workshops, welfare, and microloans

  • Healthcare provided by a professional at school

  • School Buildings, desks, toilet blocks and educational resources

  • Phonics teaching throughout, well stocked and staffed Literacy Hub

  • .

Attendance, enrolment and national exam results have all improved since we have partnered with school leaderships helping to create the right learning opportunities for every child.

£20 provides one child school lunch for a year.